Business development

NAFAKA KILIMO will promote and facilitate increased agribusiness development services and investments. Expected to optimize government and donor investments leading to strengthening economic returns for business while optimizing agricultural production to small, medium, and large agricultural producers.


Producer organizations development

Well managed organization are a fundamental building block for promoting change in communities. NAFAKA KILIMO have enormous staff capacity in building the organizational capacity of farmers. Our previous work in mobilization, formation and strengthening farmers and livestock groups, to access finance is adding prized value in NAFAKA KILIMO’s future interventions.



NAFAKA KILIMO strives to conduct research that makes a transformational impact on individuals, organizations, and society. NAFAKA KILIMO has experienced staff that develop research studies which have both practical relevance and methodological thoroughness.


Technology innovation

Technological innovations increase productivity and brings people new and better goods and services that improve their livelihood. NAFAKA KILIMO affirms to increase small, medium and large-scale enterprises to achieve efficiencies in production and productivity through access to improved technologies.


Networking and collaboration

NAFAKA KILIMO promotes strategic partnerships through networking and information sharing, while ensuring organizational sustainability. NAFAKA KILIMO enhances networking capacity with local and international stakeholders and will identify like- minded organizations to collaborate, identify specific areas of collaboration and establish collaboration mechanism.


Learning and Knowledge Management

To bring about sustained improvements in peoples quality of life, communities and organizations must have access to timely, high quality information and knowledge. NAFAKA KILIMO will capitalize on capacities for scaling of ICT for agriculture innovations to support market information flow, access to input, finance and services transactions. NK serve to enhance our clients and partners’ access to information and promotes its use for improved decision-making. NAFAKA KILIMO adapts its approach to knowledge management and information dissemination to best meet the needs of the target audience in a given context


Our Technical Platform Areas

The core competencies are the things that NAFAKA KILIMO does in its interventions to achieve impacts in the following technical platform areas


NAFAKA KILIMO will deliver services that will impact change within Tanzania’s agricultural sector that also provides quality of life and builds on communities’ ability to be resilient.

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Gender & Nutrition

Initiatives to improve nutrition cannot achieve lasting success without taking into consideration the social, economic and biological differences between men and women and, in particular, the gender inequalities which stand in the way of good nutrition

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Market Development

The NAFAKA KILIMO services support smallholder farmers to access and expand market for their agricultural products, facilitate linkages with private actors the government and donor agencies.

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NAFAKA KILIMO responds to economic challenges faced by the poor through enabling them to access financial services, agricultural inputs, improved technologies and access to lucrative domestic regional and international markets which will eventually increase household income

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Climate Change

NAFAKA KILIMO have capable staff to address climate issues including integrated Crop/Livestock Farming, waste recycling for agricultural production through composting, efficient management of soil and water so as to reduce runoff and nitrogen leaching and also improve soil conditions to enhance crop production.

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Who we are


NAFAKA KILILIMO responds to economic challenges faced by the poor through enabling them to access financial services, agricultural inputs, improved technologies and access to lucrative domestic regional and international markets which will eventually increase household income.

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